Because I have no time for games

Ed D. Chu's blog. After having spent much of his working life telling people how movies work from playing discs, he's now hoping for a new beginning in software development, something that's more dynamic.
You should follow him on Twitter
or LinkedIn
or see my folio (still WIP)

The return from the dead


Update I have not touched this online blog in many, many months, but I am going to start doing it somewhat regularly. Because there has been…

Blog restart! Back from the dead


Personal updates Well, it has been awhile I’ve touched this blog, so I might as well just go and do an update. What has changed? Since June…



Game updates I am almost done with FF7 Remake, but as more and more people reach the platinum trophy, I have taken a long break from FF7R…

The corona update


What am I doing? With a new month, comes a new time I have to ponder. I am about to reach a dubious milestone… still out of work for 1 year…

A vlog


Vlogging The popularity of people doing vlogging (basically you film yourself in life) has really caught on and I’m now contemplating…

The "corona" update


Lost and still hopeful On the early part of May I started looking for work again, sending another round of CV’s and so far, there has been…

Anime Expo, a personal history


Remembering Well, with the pandemic days, there is no AX 2020. Who knows if AX 2021 will be on schedule. And with that, a time to remember…

Other career options


Where should I go? It’s gonna be May. It’s gonna be a time I get a job? Well, I want more than just a job… because if I want a job I can…

The "corona" update


A time to adjust to a new reality April was a month where I decided to do some real assessment of what I really want in my next job. After…

The old and the forgotten games


Old games To bide my time in the quarantine days, I decided to start a long overdue cleanup of my game room. The game room has more than…

The old and the forgotten


Old music To bide my time in the quarantine days, I decided to start a long overdue cleanup of my game room. Recently, I decided to get rid…

The "corona" update


The ugly March has come and gone… and although I got two interviews (that’s a change from NONE), they went nowhere. One chat was not a true…

This other old external drive


Another not ancient but just “old” drive Here is another drive that I also had to retire. It is a Maxtor OneTouch Backup, with 300 GB of…

This old external drive


Not ancient but just “old” This Seagate external drive is not ancient, but it is old, with only 200 GB capacity. It has USB 2 / FireWire…

Corona blues


At the last time I updated this blog, COVID-19 was starting to make its ugly way into the country. Now, it has arrived. Good news: At the…

My web development history


While my history in web development has been relatively recent, starting with a web development certificate that I obtained from the UC…

Macs and Windows and a dual life


The “almost” switch On December 2019, I made a jump that I have almost never would have considered: to return to PC Windows in the desktop…

Nextdoor - the not so perfect neighbors


In recent months, I discovered a new “social network” of sorts, called Like Facebook, it is also a social network but it is a…

This site's development plan


Here is the roadmap for my own website. Now, this website will always be under construction, that’s the nature of web development. No…

The second update


As I continue to get this blog up and running - and make it readily accessible and social media friendly - I will begin by making the…

A new dawn


If you are reading this, then this blog apparently does work. I started this website officially a year ago but I am now currently building…

New Beginnings


This is a custom description for SEO and Open Graph purposes, rather than the default generated excerpt. Simply add a description field to the frontmatter.

My Second Post!


Wow! I love blogging so much already. Did you know that “despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though the…