Because I have no time for games

Corona blues


At the last time I updated this blog, COVID-19 was starting to make its ugly way into the country.

Now, it has arrived.

Good news: At the time of this posting I am still healthy, and not stricken.

Bad news: Who knows if I will be stricken in the coming weeks.

The results are not great. Most people will recover but not everyone. Some will be hospitalized, some will be on O2, and some will be on O2 and on ventilators.

And some…will die.

I was already used to staying at home. Now, I have to deal with the likelihood that I could wind up staying at home for another year, whether or not I get work.

I had planned to go to GDC (Game Developers Conference) last week but as it was cancelled, I had to watch the sessions online. Admittedly it does take a bit of my productivity away but at the least, I got something worth watching and used whatever limited networking I can do to get on a few Discord chats.

In-person networking is now not a starter. I now have to extensively use online networking, and keep applying to job boards. Rejections == redirections. I have to keep going.

The only way to not get a job is to quit applying. There will be something.