Because I have no time for games

The "corona" update


Lost and still hopeful

On the early part of May I started looking for work again, sending another round of CV’s and so far, there has been no interview requests. I have come up empty so far and only two have responded with a “not interested” bulk email.

Somehow I am going to be very creative with how I do cover letters.

I am really going to need some kind of encouragement. This is draining. Without even one interview request, how am I going to get better with interviews?

What other options should I do? Hmm…

One suggested that I do open source work. It may not be paid but having your own branch be pushed to production on an open source title will put some good eyes to some of the senior level programmers.

But ultimately they are going to have to make me take a coding test, which I suck at. Fun fact: No one likes to take them. And yet, it’s here, and these coding tests, which are more like algorithm tests, do not test how you will ultimately do when you have that job.

There was one time when I applied to a retail job and got an interview. I had no issue with the interview. But a day later, they told me: “We are moving on, we are sorry”. When even retail hiring managers won’t give me a chance, what is up.

What industry should I be in?

Having been in the entertainment industry for a long time, I really do not want to leave it. I have seen co-workers of mine go to industries outside entertainment - one to healthcare, one to academia, and some are freelancing (like me but with no clients lined up). Do I really want to exit the entertainment industry and go to another one?

One suggested healthcare. First, I understand it is a chill place to work for, but I’m a visual guy. I’ll get bored very easily seeing nothing but numbers and codes to plug in. Maybe when we have Medicare for All, I can consider working in healthcare.

According to one online assessment I should go into video game design or be an architect. I honestly suck at drawing and I believe game development probably lines up with what I can and want to do, but it’s extremely difficult to make a break in the gaming world without networking, and my hopes to go to GDC were gone with the coronavirus pandemic. Graphic design is another field I could get in, but I have no folio worth showing and they do not make as much money compared to what I did back when I was doing SOME code.

I sent resumes to the major studios and I got no responses or canned rejections.

Maybe I should try again?

One thing is for sure: My hopes to be a true software engineer are fading away. There are just too many SWE’s on the unemployment line. Perhaps, not as much compared to the minimum wage positions, but it is bleak when people with more senior level experience are on the dole. These people like me have high wage potential! And this is valuable talent left on the shelf, and are number of them are now in financial trouble. The empty attacks of “they are sucky SWE’s” ring hollow.

Also, I cannot consider a relocation out of California. Texas is out of the question, as if I end up losing a job in Texas, I won’t be able to get the equivalent of a Covered California healthcare plan to hold water. Their red state attitude against Obamacare is ridiculous. Also, a relocation to OR or WA is not going to happen unless the worksite will pay me to relocate there.

What’s the plan for June and the summer?

I am now contemplating going back to school - not bootcamps, though. I am now evaluating programs at community colleges. Santa Monica, Cypress, and Mount SAC (Walnut) are on my shortlist, and I am going to evaluate if any of their 3D animation or design programs are worth the money, time and effort. I will also look at Cerritos College and LBCC, although since online classes are the rule for now, I will be looking at CC’s where I normally would have to drive further to go.

I am more than ready to make a long drive to Walnut (Mt. SAC) or Santa Monica instead. Summer enrollment window is now, so I have to make a decision quickly.

Bootcamps are not worth the money IMHO. I went to one that was similar to a bootcamp and I got nowhere fast. Bootcamps offer networking opportunities and a coach but their tuition prices are twice as much as a community college, let alone a 4 year one. Fortunately a federal grant covered that certificate program and allowed me to come away with no debt (the program would’ve cost me nearly 6000 USD otherwise)

Community college also offer a pathway to a bachelor’s degree if I want to do one.

Will I get a job if I go to a community college? Who knows. If I do, I could ask my future worksite if they’re going to pay.

Meantime I have to be self motivated to learn, and it gets tough to sit at home and be a vegetable. I lost all interest in playing any video game, but I have to do something.