Because I have no time for games

Blog restart! Back from the dead


Personal updates

Well, it has been awhile I’ve touched this blog, so I might as well just go and do an update. What has changed?

  • Since June, I enrolled in a community college at Mt. SAC in Walnut and Cypress College. I took a few animation classes and something that I decided to do this year: pick up Japanese again. I had taken Japanese earlier in younger years, but never was able to achieve full fluency. Now, I will be pursuing that as I take their language courses.

A reason I took classes in two community colleges is that they were all online. I may be looking at whether to just go to one community college as they move toward in person instruction, with Cypress being the likely choice as it’s closer for me than Mt. SAC. Mt. SAC, however, has a more involved animation program as well as a full slate of Japanese courses.

  • Nothing new relationship wise.
  • In the meanwhile, I continue to do some freelance work, but it will be a challenge as I have found it’s not quite as steady as getting a regular job where tasks and projects automatically get put in front of you. I am now on the job hunt, although I will continue to look for work on a freelance role.