Because I have no time for games

The return from the dead



I have not touched this online blog in many, many months, but I am going to start doing it somewhat regularly. Because there has been very little personal updates about me, there is not much I can write about. The pandemic is starting to subside a bit, but not quite. As of now, Ukraine has taken a lot of the attention away from the pandemic and I don’t really like what Putin is doing.

For me personally, one thing is for certain. I will need to start developing a better portfolio, at least a graphic oriented one. My art skills still show a lot of what I call “rookie-ness” and it will take time and constant work / practice to make it worth showing off.

Also, I have to accept one reality: I tend to be better with code than drawing stuff. To me, it’s a lot easier to setup a front-end (i.e. this one) than drawing something.

That’s it for me. I will come back here later.